
A Picture Says a Thousand Words...

So as of late it feels as though every friend I have is engaged or rather close to it. While it seems overwhelming, as my wallet cries in agony, I am so very excited for every single one of them. My post tonight is inspired by them in a way.
 Facebook is a giver of many things. For some they find knowledge, aka stalking. Others find ideas or new bands and much more. Tonight I was looking through a friend's engagement pictures and it got me to thinking.
I could see their love radiating out of every snap shot. I never felt a moment was fake or particularly posed. I felt a new hope in the world once I got done.
Now while I understand this is a great bit to expect from the world, it inspires me. It caused me to take a different look. So tonight the art I ask you to look at in the world is a picture. 
Ask yourself what is really there. Look beyond the surface and to the heart of the subjects and the artists. A picture says quite a few words for more than just the person featured in it.